Bump in the Night
Cascadian Dark Ale
Hood River, OR
22 oz bottle
Served in 20oz pub glass
Served in 20oz pub glass
6.5% ABV
Color/Appearance: Pours a dark brown color with deep ruby tints edging the body as it is held up to light. The head is slightly off-white, half to one inch thick, with tiny bubbles tightly compacted underneath a creamy lather on top, vibrant and lacing the interior of the glass as it slowly deteriorates. Moderate carbonation flows up the center of the glass with little to no haze. Overall, this a very attractive and inviting beer.
Aroma: Bottle label indicates a big floral and citrus nose, but what I get is a dose of fresh northwest pine, which, for me, is not a bad thing. There is a mild floral note and little citrus to speak of, but definitely lots of good piney scents. As I allow the beer to sit longer there are more malty aromas coming through; mild hints of caramel, chocolate, and perhaps a biscuit like character. The pine, however, is the star of the aroma.
Taste/Mouthfeel: Right away, a piney hop bitterness and a moderate roasted malt flavor are backed up nicely with a creamy medium body texture as it splashes my palate. A light, but noticeable citrus flavor creeps in as it goes down; somewhat grapefruit like that adds a pleasant sharpness. The hop flavors are pretty forward in the taste, but that good roasted malt character cuts in nicely with small notes of caramel, chocolate and a dry biscuit flavor. The finish is dry with a mild spicy hop and roasty goodness that does nothing except entice you to take another drink.
The flavors in this CDA appear very clean and clear as they present themselves to my tastebuds. The head also continues to maintain a good consistency, maybe a 1/8 inch thickness is always present and leaving a good lacing inside the glass. To me, always a sign of a solid beer and these days I find myself leaving the bottle shop with more Full Sail beers. Cheers!
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